A complaint is defined as any expression of dissatisfaction about the service provided which is not resolved by operational staff as normal business.
You may contact us about any aspect of the service you have received, including:
We are not able to treat a complaint as a challenge to a medical opinion or an appeal against a medical opinion.
If you wish to complain about any aspect of the service you have received, please let our office know as soon as possible. We will endeavour to put things right.
You may contact us by telephone, by email or in writing. When you contact us, please tell us:
We will communicate with you by post or email, depending on how you contacted us, and using the method of contact you request. We will send you a letter acknowledging receipt of your complaint within three days of receiving it, enclosing a copy of this procedure.
Your complaint will be investigated by the senior office administrator, Mrs Caroline Ford. In the event that Mrs Ford is the subject of a complaint, then the matter will be investigated by Dr Vohra.
It may be that Mrs Ford or Dr Vohra are able to either meet with you or discuss by telephone, and hopefully resolve your complaint. If you would like to do this, then please let our office know within fourteen days of you receiving the acknowledgement letter. Within five days of any such meeting, Mrs Ford or Dr Vohra will write to you to confirm what took place any solutions that have been agreed.
If you do not want a meeting, or it is not possible for there to be a meeting, then either Mrs Ford or Dr Vohra will send you a detailed written reply to your complaint, including any suggestions for resolving the matter, within two weeks of the date of your complaint.
Should you request a review of the reply to your complaint, we will write to you within two weeks of receiving your request for review, confirming our final position on your complaint and explaining our reasonings.
If you are still not satisfied, then you may reasonably escalate the matter.
For matters relating to a breach of personal data or other data protection and confidentiality issues, then you may contact The Information Commissioner’s Office.
For matters related to professional standards and professional conduct, you may contact The General Medical Council.
For procedural matters related to the personal injury claims portal, then you may contact Medco.