Dr Vohra is able to accept referrals from employers or other relevant organisations to carry out occupational health assessments on consenting individuals.
These may be for the purpose of fitness to work, long-term absence, capability assessment, ill-health retirement or any other relevant issue.
Dr Vohra is accredited by the Health and Safety Executive to undertake hand/arm vibration screening assessments and has the necessary equipment and facilities to do such assessments.
Occupational health reports are normally turned around within forty-eight hours of the appointment and are laid out in a manner that is intended to be clear and comprehensible.
The appointment will generally last for around thirty to forty-five minutes. Please arrive prior to your allocated time, but not too early, in order to keep waiting room numbers down. Ten minutes before the allocated appointment time would be ideal.
Prior to the appointment you will have been asked for your written consent to a report being prepared. In line with access to medical reports you will have the right to have access to your medical report prior to it being submitted to your employers, or whoever requested the report.
If you choose to have access to your report first, then please use the opportunity to identify any factual inaccuracies in order that they may be rectified prior to the report being disclosed to the party that requested it. I am only able to amend factual inaccuracies, not disagreements of opinion. If a disagreement of opinion does exist, then you may choose for the report not to be disclosed to the individual that instructed it in the first place.
A physical examination may be necessary if the medical issue warrants it. In such cases, please wear appropriate clothing. If you wish to be accompanied by a suitable adult, then that is entirely appropriate. Should you wish to have a chaperone during any physical examination, that is also fine, and advance warning would be very helpful.
The norm is for me to discuss the contents of your report and the opinions that I intend to express while you are with me. This is to ensure openness and transparency, and also to ensure that you fully understand my expressed opinions and are able to give me your feedback or express any concerns prior to the report being written.
My aim is to have the report written and ready to review within forty-eight hours of the time of the appointment.